Telc A2 B1 German Exam

The general German examination at CEFR levels A2 and B1, This certificate demonstrates German language ability in reading, listening, writing and speaking at level A2 and B1.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Telc A2 B1 German Exam

Telc A2 B1 German Exam

Deutsch A2-B1 Examination

Who is the Deutsch A2-B1 examination for?

  • - Learners of German who are living in Germany or planning to move here
  • - People who need a recognized language certificate for their visa, residence permit or citizenship application, or for official professional recognition in Germany

What does the Deutsch A2-B1 certificate examination give you?

  • - Knowledge of a range of topics and vocabulary for everyday life, both personal and professional
  • - You can see on the telc website that it's for PR, nationality, or any other reason since you'll receive a B1 certificate that complies with CEFR level
  • - Proof of language achievement at target level B1
  • - Reliable proof of A2 competencies also possible, thanks to the scaled format
  • - Since Telc only launched this exam at the end of 2022, many people are unaware of it. You will receive a B1 certificate if you pass this test with a specific percentage; else, you will receive an A2

Structure of the Examination

Test takers will receive a certificate of either the lower or higher CEFR level. To pass the B1 exam, 70 per cent of the total points must be achieved (168 points). In addition, at least 70 per cent (42 points) must be achieved in 3 of the 4 subtests: reading, listening, writing, and speaking, as well as at least 40 per cent (24 points) in each subtest.

The test takers complete tasks in all skills. The receptive part consists of reading, listening, and language elements. Task types include multiple-choice or matching tasks. In the productive part, writing and speaking, the test takers respond to input and express themselves in writing or orally. Some tasks cover both receptive and productive skills. In the oral examination, test takers plan something together and talk about their opinions on a topic. The focus is on direct exchange between the test takers.

Dual level examinations assess language proficiency at two levels. Therefore, there are tasks at both CEFR levels in all parts. Test takers will receive a certificate of either the lower or higher CEFR level.

This examination is available as a digital, hybrid, or paper-based exam. It can NOT be taken as a partial examination.

Exam Format and Grading

The A2-B1 exam consists of a written section and an oral section. The written section is 125 minutes in duration and contains the subtests: reading, language elements, reading and writing, listening, listening and writing, and writing. The oral exam is 15 minutes long. It can take place either on the same day as the written exam or on a separate day.

The telc Deutsch A2-B1 examination can be passed at level A2 or at level B1.

To pass the exam at level B1, 70% of the maximum possible score must be achieved. In addition, at least 70% must be achieved in 3 of the 4 skills: reading, listening, writing, speaking, and at the same time at least 40% must be achieved in each skill.

To pass the exam at level A2, 40% of the maximum possible score must be achieved. In addition, at least 40% must be achieved in 3 of the 4 skills: reading, listening, writing, speaking, and at the same time at least 10% must be achieved in each skill.

Telc A2 B1 German Exam

About the Telc Deutsch A2-B1 Exam

The telc Deutsch A2-B1 exam was designed by telc and is an internationally accredited certificate of basic proficiency in German. It tests language competencies at levels A2 and B1. Participants who pass the exam with language level B1 can use the corresponding certificate as proof of the language skills required for naturalization in Germany. In addition, language level B1 is an application requirement at some German universities for degree courses taught in German and an admission requirement for various degree courses taught in English. The A2 result can be used, for example, to prove the required language skills within the framework of the Chancen-Aufenthaltsgesetz.

We recommend sitting the exam after at least 300-500 hours of German language instruction, depending on the level you are aiming for. Our intensive German courses can help learners to prepare for this exam.

Sprachenakademie offers the exam on a regular basis. You can register through Sprachenakademie during the registration period. The examination fee amounts to €150 (registration fee of €30 included). The exam is aimed exclusively at self-paying persons. Persons taking an exam as part of an integration course are referred to the Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer.

Learning Material:

Down below you can get the e-book of Model tests German A2.B1 or can enroll in the next batch:

  • Telc A2.B1 exam preparation course + book with 10 model tests and solutions + list of some important vocabulary
  • German A2.B1 Certificate 10 practice tests with solutions

This book contains 10 model tests with complete solutions for all modules and parts. With this book, you can fully prepare for all modules and parts of the Telc A2.B1 exam, as well as some modules and parts of the DTZ A2.B1 and Telc B1 exams. Including listening audios.

Courses & E-Books

Pick What you need

“You can pick the one that is right for you.

Deutsch A2.B1 Zertifikat 10 Übungsprüfungen mit Lösungen
Deutsch A2.B1 Zertifikat 10 Übungsprüfungen mit Lösungen


10 Model Tests
All module solutions
Covers all Telc A2.B1 Modules and some modules of Telc B1
Audios for test


€29.00Limited Time Offer!

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Most Popular
Telc A2. B1 Prüfungsvorbereitungskurs + Buch mit 10 Modelltests und Lösungen + Liste einiger wichtiger Vokabeln
Telc A2. B1 Prüfungsvorbereitungskurs + Buch mit 10 Modelltests und Lösungen + Liste einiger wichtiger Vokabeln

Online Course

10 Model tests with complete solutions E-book for free
Telc A2.B1 exam preparation
Important Vocabulary to pass an exam
Test Guidance and Preparation
Next Course Batch: 02 MARCH 2025
Timing: 17:00 - 20:00 (CET)


€57.00Limited Time Offer!

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Deutsch A1 1 on 1 Session Classes
Deutsch A1 1 on 1 Session Classes

Online Course

German listening and speakin with a native German teacher
one on one sessions
German A1 Grammar, reading, and writing
From Zero to Mastery
Beginner friendly


€219.00Limited Time Offer!

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